Personal Transformation Bootcamp for Parents of Struggling Kids

Personal Transformation Bootcamp for Parents of Struggling Kids


Get more from your course by including 2 individual coaching sessions with your course for just an additional $76, for a total of $425! Click here to register.

Who is this course for?

  • All Parents—We all struggle to know how to best parent our kids at least sometimes

    • Parents who simply want to parent more mindfully and/or more consciously

    • Parents who are struggling to parent in the tough moments

      • Kids who are tantrumming, melting down, engaging in power struggles, etc.

      • Kids who are experiencing anxiety, depression, and/or other emotional difficulties

What Will I Learn?

  • Parenting “solutions” become more accessible during the tough moments—stop the knee-jerk, default-mode reactions we all use when we become triggered

  • Feel happier, more present, and like your best self so you can be more connected with your kids and feel like a better parent

What’s in the Course?

  • 7 Comprehensive Learning Modules—released one per week, completed at your own pace

    • Teaching video and/or audio download, only about 20 minutes long, each week

    • Reflection and journal activities help you dig deep

    • Activities help you learn and apply material and are creative and fun

    • Skills, tools, and practices take only a few minutes a day and yield huge benefits

  • Bonus Pack—available at the end of the course

    • Lengthy video with helpful parenting strategies related to transformational process

    • Multiple other videos and resources to help you continue your journey

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