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The Dash of the Season

‘Tis the season! For over the river and through the woods, and for decking the halls and for dashing all the way! Whoa! This is when everything moves too fast. I am noticing the dashing part as I drive around just trying to get into a parking space or as folks zoom past me on the highway. There is a bit of excitement as well as a bit of a panic in the air. Tune into that. It is interesting to notice and the noticing keeps us present. As wacky as it sounds I stood for a complete minute in our local grocery store the other day because I literally forgot what I was meant to be buying in produce and in doing so I gave myself a chance to just listen. My heart rate came down a bit and I actually noticed the sound of lots of friendly chatter, questions of shoppers and some quick recipe suggestions. I felt a bit of sincere community which seems like a rarity these days. Try to take time to notice those bits. Those are the true gifts of the holidays- a different friendlier vibe!


With cleaning and cooking and general holiday mayhem going on I am trying to remember just to do the basics this year. When things get complicated, I try to get simple. I truly am “a bear of very little brain.” Years ago someone told me to Christmas shop in this way. They said, “Get your kids something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.” That simple structure helps me contain the crush of the have-to’s in this season of plenty. It feels so relieving. I just came home from work to lots of black Friday stuff in the mailbox both virtual and physical. It felt good just to recycle all that paper and hit delete to most of my new emails. That cleaning act creates simplicity and a small bit of ease. So as we deck our one horse open sleigh, find the beauty in the cranky uncle, the opinionated aunt, the judgmental parent, and the eye-rolling teen during Thanksgiving. Ages and stages and each have their own hidden gift somewhere in there.