
Cultivating your roots, you build a foundation of truth and strength from which you will rise into possibility.

We are a team of licensed mental health professionals offering online video courses and challenge groups, private membership communities, and individual coaching through our easily accessible zoom meetings, all designed to help you build a stronger foundation, or system of roots. 

Are you feeling unhappy with where your life is now? Are you juggling too much and feel like you’ve lost yourself in all of the chaos?

Are you a parent of a struggling child and need stronger balance so that you can be a better support?

Are you a burnt-out parent or professional? 

We can help. Your roots represent the 7 core aspects of human wholeness.  Cultivation of these roots will help you learn the practices and skills you need to “rise up” with strength, flexibility, balance, and power into greater health, mental health, and happiness.

You must first root down into your truth and strength before you can rise up and become the person, parent, and/or professional you want to be.


Our roots first model guides us in making consistent, manageable, sustainable changes that over time help us cultivate a strong system of roots. from these roots we build the strength, balance and flexibility we need to rise up with a strong body, mind, and spirit. we can then interact with the world as genuine, authentic, grounded people. we can cultivate health, happiness, peace, and abundance in our own lives, as well as the lives of others. the fruits of our labor plant new seeds, to grow new systems of roots from which new people can rise. this cycle helps not only the individual, but the community and the world at large. 

“All things must come to the soul from it's roots, from where it was planted.” —Mother Teresa