Roots First

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Free, Live Webinar for Parents of Struggling Kids

Please join us for the exciting, replay of our live event originally on Monday, July 20 at 12pm EST

Register to receive the replay!

Do you have a child or adolescent struggling with anxiety, depression, and/or another mental health, behavioral, social, or academic difficulty? Are you struggling to determine how to best support and help you child? 

You’re not alone. It is estimated that one in three kids will be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder—yes, that is 1/3 of all kids. And that just includes those who are formally diagnosed. When we consider those who experience stress and anxiety but don’t seek help and/or who don’t meet criteria for a formal diagnosis, the numbers are much higher. If we then include kids who experience depression and other social or behavioral difficulties, the numbers are astronomical. It truly is at epidemic proportions, and the pandemic crisis we are dealing with hasn’t helped. 

Additionally, if you are a parent, by definition you are concerned about your children. When they begin to struggle, this concern only intensifies, and our own stress and anxiety becomes heightened. We want to help, we want to fix the problem, we want to stop their suffering. It very quickly becomes hard to know what to do, and we can be left feeling helpless, lost, and ineffective. 

Please join us for a FREE, LIVE Webinar via Zoom on Monday, July 20 at 12pm EST. In this Webinar, we will discuss what you can do to become the parent your child needs, the parent you want to be. We will discuss practices for better stress management and emotion regulation and how to parent from a more centered and grounded place. When we can do this, we can much better meet our kids needs, as well as our own.

Can’t make it on Monday? That’s ok! Register here anyways, and we will send you the replay.