meet Phoebe teare
Phoebe Teare
I am a pretty relational person so my vision of myself is always in relation to other humans (and animals!). I am a sister, daughter, wife, mom, therapist, rower, talker, teacher, and business owner. I have been married for 19 years to someone who continually makes me laugh. I am a mom of two relatively gracious, generous and kind teenagers who don't resemble me or my husband in our adolescence at all. Back then, I spent a lot of time and energy pushing up against “the powers that be.” It was a different time and a different era in the 60’s and 70’s. Many of those tight limits around my behavior were helpful and functional. Other’s caused fear and resentment. As a mom, I try to strike a balance with my own kids. That balance can be very hard to find some days. I am constantly looking to my kids to garner feedback to see how off or on I am. A sometimes harder job is to be a mom to a Bassett Hound and a black cat who get along every once in a while. I also feel like I am related to our home that was built in 1745. We have continually and slowly worked on it for 14 years now. The house has been a partial do-it-yourself labor of love and hate, depending on the season and the project.
Like all of us, there are some wacky details about me. I adore early mornings in the quiet darkness of the house when the first sip of coffee is blissful. I have a huge love and respect for the ocean, and as cliché as it sounds, I really love the different seasons and being outside in all weather. I find pleasure in the very simple things like a clean kitchen countertop, a well-made bed, a room full of friends and the first snow. Another part of my brain likes a well organized spreadsheet and the simplicity and black and white nature of numbers. As frustrating as it can be, I keep trying to learn new things. New things keep me vulnerable and allow me to connect with the children I work with. Learning can be tedious, humbling but empowering. Recently I took up competitive rowing and it checks all those boxes. I am also trying to learn how to turn on our TV and use its million functions. That is proving to be very challenging but a great source of humor for my kids.
I love to hear people's stories: how they came to be, where they are now, and why they chose the paths they did. For this reason I left 8 years of teaching preschool, Kindergarten and second grade and went back to school to work in the counseling field.
With my counseling hat on, I have worked with infants and toddlers and their parents in home therapy, spent time in elementary schools and children’s hospitals, and now in a group private practice. Along the way I have met amazing colleagues, children, parents and teachers. I have learned from every moment. Every exchange I have learned something more about myself and how we all can find exactly what we need within ourselves. By staying open and available and thoughtful, although the struggles and challenges will always be there, we will see the beauty and possibilities around us.
When my old, dear friend, Julie, came to me with the Roots First idea it seemed like a no-brainer. To escape the medical model of seeing folks as broken and in need of being fixed? Yes! I was in! We are all human: all wonderful and complicated and silly and fascinating. We all have stories and paths and desires and frustrations. We all are looking for balance. My hope is that you can find some ideas and thoughtful bits here as we share our own journey. Ideas that will hopefully resonate with you and perhaps shed some light on your roots and help you to gather strength as your rise to be the best you!