
“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”: Oliver Wendell Holmes

Learning something new is hard. I’ve recently learned, as an adult, a few new things: to row in a tippy, skinny rowing shell in unison with others; to work a spreadsheet with semi-proficiency; and to clean and run small engines. I am fascinated and in awe of the process of learning something new but also exhausted by it. I can almost see the new information suspended out in front of me. It just hangs there some place in between the teacher/coach/you tube and my understanding. I have the sense of not quite “getting it.” It makes me feel vulnerable and I work hard to not let the old lines from harsh teachers or my own personal critic enter in. “Pay attention, this isn’t THAT hard!” “I already told you how to do it once before!” My poor brain struggles. Bits of new information come in slowly to be processed but I don't yet understand the full picture. I am simply allowing these pieces space to come in. I try to be mindful and patient. That in itself is a huge challenge for me! 

While learning something new, I am reminded that this is how many children feel all day. Learning new things is tough business. It takes humility, patience,and the self-confidence to take risks. This recent new learning has given me renewed respect for all the students who are sitting in classrooms listening to teachers and working on group projects, using flash cards, taking notes and quizzes, and struggling to understand. As an adult learner, it's an incredibly humbling experience.

I invite you all to take on the challenge of something new. Big or small. Once the clouds of misinterpretation and misunderstanding lift, there is that great feeling and ego boost of the “Aha moment.” The light bulb goes off and and viola! I get it!  Eureka! Make note and take stock of these aha moments. They are a gift. 

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Phoebe Teare